2020 SPFA Election Results

The election results for the SPFA President are inserted below.

Bill Grosskleg has achieved a majority vote and is therefore declared elected. The transition of responsibility will occur, as per the SPFA Constitution, at the next scheduled Executive Council meeting.

Here’s the screenshot for the president’s report from eBallot.

The eBallot election results for Moose Jaw are inserted below.

The SPFA Constitution states on page 6 of 13:

Successful Election: Nominees for each position shall be declared elected when they have received a majority of the votes cast or they are the only nominee at the close of nominations.

If, after the first ballot, no nominee for the position shall have received a majority, the list of nominees shall be reduced to those two nominees receiving the most votes on the first ballot. The run-off vote will occur within seven calendar days, in each case as may be required to identify a majority vote.

Given that no candidate has achieved a majority of the votes cast, a runoff election will be required for Moose Jaw Campus VP. The top two candidates for Moose Jaw Campus VP will appear on an eBallot. The eBallot will be sent to the Saskpolytech email address of Moose Jaw Campus members on Tuesday @ 9:00 am, November 24. eVoting will remain open until Thursday @ 4:00 pm, November 26. The results of the election runoff will be announced by email to the members on Friday, November 27.


We wish to thank all the candidates and all those that are voting in these elections.

For those in attendance at the AGM you would have heard incorrect election results announced. See the explanation below from Jane Zaleschuk.

Wade Lahoda

Chief Electoral Officer – SPFA


Dear SPFA Members,

I made a transposition error when preparing the results document to present during the AGM. I transposed the number of votes for Jeff to Chad and vice versa. I had also provided my document to my co-electoral officer for his review and he concurred with the results. As such I did not realize during the meeting that I had made an error. I can now confirm that Jeff Galbraith received 28 votes, 33% of the votes cast.

Subsequent to ending the AGM we noted my error. Which is why the SPFA is sending you this notification.

I apologize for my error and the inconvenience it has caused all parties.

Jane Zaleschuk, CPA, CGA

Manager, Virtus Group

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