SPFA Negotiating Forms
Association Business Forms
Leave Form Codes & Information
Constitution Resolution Submission
Committee Forms
Professional Development Guidelines
Professional Development Application Form
Expression of Interest and Confidentiality Forms
Grievance Template
SPFA Nomination Forms & Associated Documents
President and Vice President Roles
Executive Council Confidentiality Form
Campaigning and Forum Guidelines
School Representative Nomination Form
Role of the School Representative
Program Representative Nomination form
School and Program Representative Confidentiality Form
SPFA Outstanding Team Award
SPFA Outstanding Team Award Information
SPFA Outstanding Team Award Nomination Form
SPFA Seniority Recovery
The SPFA issues monthly newsletters to keep our members informed and updated on current trends and issues in the workplace. This newsletter is emailed to members by the SPFA President.
If you would like to contribute to, or have an idea for a newsletter article, please contact an Association representative.
In order to ensure the SPFA remains a member-driven organization, member input is valued and also relied on as a resource through committees. These committees are both SPFA committees (organized specifically by SPFA), joint committees with Saskatchewan Polytechnic which are born from Letters of Understanding or for a specific purpose as agreed by the parties as well as Saskatchewan Polytechnic committees which have faculty representation.
Please review the attached committee list which include the committee’s terms of reference, current members and vacancies. It is our intention to keep the list up to date; if you see any errors/omissions or are interested in finding out more about a committee please contact your campus Vice President or the SPFA office (will include committee list).
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Branding & Promotions
To develop, and recommend to EC, a brand identity for the SPFA in alignment with the Association’s vision and values. The brand will include a logo and a guide for use of brand, logo, tagline, graphics, typography, colors and photographs and request approval process.
• To develop, and recommend to EC, criteria and guidelines for the type and use of SPFA promotional items for the Association’s use as provided in the SPFA budget.
• To consider applications for promoting the SPFA and recommend opportunities to EC.
Branding & Promotions Committee Terms of Reference April 2019
Budget, Audit, and Finance Committee
Review Audit results as presented by the Secretary-Treasurer. Review flexible and long-term budgets as presented by the Secretary-Treasurer. Incorporate the recommendations of SPFA sub-committees into the relevant budget(s). Consider, review and provide recommendations to EC on budgetary decisions taking into consideration association current and future financial needs as they relate to operations and special events.
SPFA Budget, Audit & Finance Terms of Reference April 2019
Constitution Review Committee
Engage SPFA membership in the development of amendments. Provide ongoing progress reports to the Executive Council. Review and present draft amendments to the Executive Council 60 days prior to the AGM. Speak to the resulting amendments presented at the AGM.
Constitution Review Committee Terms of Reference June 10 2021
Education Awards Advisory Committee
To advise the EC in determining criteria and process for awarding bursaries/scholarships as provided in the SPFA budget. To oversee the application process for the bursaries/scholarships is managed in alignment with the award Terms of Reference. Research options related to partnerships in the assignment of bursaries/scholarships. Applicants are limited to immediate family members of SPFA members. SPFA members are excluded from applying for bursaries/scholarships but would be eligible to apply for funding from the Professional Development Committee.
Education Awards Committee Terms of Reference April 2019
Faculty Association Evaluation Committee
To develop, administer and analyze the evaluation of the faculty association as per the following requirement stated in the constitution:
ARTICLE XVI – Evaluation of Association
The Association will provide all members with an annual opportunity to evaluate the performance of the Association.
Faculty Association Evaluation Terms of Reference April 2019
Investment Advisory Committee
Provide recommendations on broad strategy and specific investment parameters for portfolio investment matters. Consider, review and provide recommendations to EC on capital management taking into consideration return and risk.
Investment Advisory Committee Terms of Reference April 2019
Professional Development Committee
To advise the EC in determining criteria and process for professional development opportunities as provided in the SPFA budget. To consider applications for professional development and recommend recipients. Research options related to partnerships with respect to Professional Development. Applicants are limited to SPFA members.
PD Application Review Criteria January 2019
Professional Development Committee Terms of Reference April 2019
Professional Development Guidelines – January 16 2019
Saskatchewan Polytechnic Evaluation Committee
To develop, administer and analyze the evaluation of the institution as per the following requirement stated in the constitution:
ARTICLE XVII – Evaluation of Saskatchewan Polytechnic
The Association will provide all members with an annual opportunity to evaluate the performance of Saskatchewan Polytechnic.
Sask Polytechnic Evaluation Terms of Reference April 2019
Wellness and Sponsorship Committee
To advise the EC in determining criteria and process as provided in the SPFA budget:
1. for encouraging wellness of faculty.
2. to determine which events / individuals / groups receive SPFA sponsorship.
3. regarding donations.
Review existing policy and make recommendations on:
– providing members with benevolent assistance.
– retirement gifts / etc.
Wellness & Sponsorship Application Form
Wellness and Sponsorship Committee Terms of Reference April 10 2019
W&S Fund Guidelines March 2021
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Academic Council
LRB Decisions
Labour Relations Board
In instances where SPFA has appeared before the Saskatchewan Labour Relations Board and a formal decision or order has been rendered, SPFA shall share the Board’s decision/order with its membership. The attached Board decisions are provided for membership information and review. Labour Relations Board decisions are public documents.
File No. 106-12 October 30 2012
File No. 134-17 & File No. 137-17 December 7 2017
Member Education
The SPFA provides our membership with opportunities to attend a variety of educational workshops. By increasing the knowledge of our membership, our faculty become more engaged, educated and productive members of the Saskatchewan Polytechnic community. Some workshops offered by the SPFA include new member orientation, interview training, collective bargaining training, hours of work training and professional development opportunities.
In order to become a more informed member, the SPFA provides the following documents for your review:
SPFA Updated Orientation March 2021
The Role of the SPFA School Rep
Policies & Procedures
The SPFA Executive Council is responsible for establishing, implementing, and amending policies and procedures that govern the day-to-day operations of the Association and the Association’s relationship with its members. These policies and procedures are designed to guide the Executive Council, membership and staff on decision making and outline what actions are to be taken.
Members are encouraged to review and familiarize themselves with SPFA policies and procedures. If a member would like to suggest a revision to a policy, please contact your campus Vice President and you may be provided an opportunity to present your suggested revision at a meeting of the Executive Council. New policies are presented as drafts for member input prior to being implemented. New draft or amended policies are posted as they are approved.
Code of Conduct – Dec 5, 2023-Draft
Code of Ethics Policy Representatives & Staff – Approved May 26 2021
Communication Policy – May 2021
Conflict of Interest May 26 2021
Financial Reporting & Reserves
Investigations Policy & Procedure
Member Appointments to Committees – May 26 2021
Member Benevolent Assistance Policy
Member Discipline Policy & Procedure June 22 2021
Purchasing Policy – Changes approved Jan 16-19
Social Media Policy – Oct 9 2018
Dispute and Grievance
Grievance form can be found under the Forms heading above.