SPFA Education Awards for Member’s Dependent Family – Process

The SPFA is once again pleased to offer education awards to support post-secondary studies of faculty family members. The Education Awards Committee is working with SaskPolytech’s Advancement office again this year to assist with the application and award distribution process.

Saskatchewan Polytechnic Faculty Association Awards are $1000 each and are awarded to faculty family members (as per the benefits package definition) who are enrolled for fall 2021 in a recognized Canadian post-secondary institution. Applicants from previous years who have not received an award, but are still in post-secondary studies, are encouraged to apply again. Previous recipients of SPFA awards are ineligible.

There are two categories:

INTERNAL AWARDS are for faculty family members attending any program 20 weeks or more in length at any Saskatchewan SaskPolytech campus. Application deadline for the Internal award is October 31. If awards are still available, the next application period is January 10 to February 15. These awards can be found in the regular SaskPolytech student awards guide where applicants must complete the SaskPolytech on-line application. Selection for these awards follows the regular Sask Polytech award process.

Applying for an Internal Award:

1. Go to Sask Polytech’s student awards website at: http://saskpolytech.ca/admissions/resources/scholarships-and-awards.aspx.
2. Under “General Application and Information” Select “Online Application”
3. Select “Apply now!” (online application will open in another window)
3. In the “Award Name” box, type Sask Polytech Faculty, and complete in the Campus, Year, Program, Credential and Equity boxes. Click the “Search” button. The award will appear.
4. Click the “Apply On-Line” button.
5. The page opens to a “fuel to learn Inc” page where you can either create a personal profile that can be used for all award applications or log in to an existing account.
6. Confirmation of creating an account will be sent to your email
7. Once you have completed the profile, select the “Apply Now” button and a final “Proof of Membership” window will open where the applicant inserts their SPFA family member’s name. Be sure to insert your family member’s name (SPFA member) in the box or your application will be rejected.
8. Complete and Student Declaration section and submit your application.

EXTERNAL AWARDS are for faculty family members attending any recognized Canadian post-secondary institution, outside of SaskPolytech. Recognized institutions are as defined in SaskPolytech Policy #116 and are listed on the Government of Canada website at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/study/study-institutions-list.asp.

The application period runs to October 31st. External award recipients are selected on a random draw basis, by DAR; the Education Awards committee is not directly involved in the selection process.

Applying for an External Award:

1. Go to Sask Polytech’s student awards website at: http://saskpolytech.ca/admissions/resources/scholarships-and-awards.aspx.
2. Find the Saskatchewan Polytechnic Faculty Association Award under the “Additional Award, Funding and Scholarship Opportunities” section of the webpage (in the bottom third of the webpage) under the “Awards Administered by Sask Polytech”.
3. Select “Application Form” (the Word document “SPFA-application” will download to the bottom of your web page and can be opened from there.
4. Complete the application online or print it and complete it manually.
5. Be sure to include the name of your family member who is a Sask Polytech faculty member or your application will be rejected.
6. Either save and email or print and mail your application according to instructions on the application.

Please encourage your family members who will be in post-secondary studies this fall to apply. If you have feedback on the process, the committee would like to hear so it can be made even better.

Committee members: Marissa Landry-Dixon; Graeme Drysdale and Erin Knuttila (EC Liaison). The Prince Albert and Saskatoon campus seats are vacant. Contact your campus VP if you are interested in serving on this committee.

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